Bluetooth Serial Connection Matlab Tutorial Pdf

How to connect to the bluetooth Serial Port? Learn more about ssp, com port. BLUETOOTH TO SERIAL PORT MODULE HC05 Overview HC‐05 module is an easy to use Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Protocol) module, designed for transparent wireless serial connection setup. Serial port Bluetooth module is fully qualified Bluetooth V2.0+EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) 3Mbps Modulation with complete 2.4GHz radio transceiver and baseband.

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  4. Matlab Programming Tutorial

B = Bluetooth(RemoteName,Channel) creates a Bluetooth® object associated with the RemoteName and Channel. RemoteName is a friendly way to identify the RemoteID. If not specified, the default channel is 0.

Matlab Tutorial Ppt

The Instrument Control Toolbox™ Bluetooth interface lets you connect to devices over the Bluetooth interface, and to transmit and receive ASCII and binary data. Instrument Control Toolbox supports the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP). You can identify any SPP Bluetooth device and establish a two-way connection with that device.

B = Bluetooth(RemoteID,Channel) creates a Bluetooth object directly from the RemoteID and Channel.

To connect with the Bluetooth device, use the fopen function. When the Bluetooth object is created, its status property is closed. When the object is connected to the remote device with the fopen function, the status property is set to open.

B = Bluetooth(___,Name,Value) creates a Bluetooth object using the specified property values. If an invalid property name or property value is specified the object is not created.

For information on other functions that can be used with Bluetooth, a full example using the Bluetooth interface, events and callbacks, and usage guidelines see Bluetooth Interface Overview.

portHardware port
character vectorstring array

Hardware port that your Arduino is connected to, specified as a character vector or string array. The port can be a USB serial port or the Adafruit EZ-Link Bluetooth serial port, depending on how you have configured the Arduino hardware. To identify the USB serial port number, see Find Arduino Port on Windows, Mac, and Linux. To identify the Bluetooth device address or serial port, see Pair a Bluetooth Device and Retrieve the Bluetooth Device Address. This argument can be specified on its own if connected via USB serial port, or with a board name.

Example: a = arduino('COM5')

boardName of Arduino enabled board
character vectorstring array

Name of the Arduino enabled board, specified as a character vector or string array. Logic pro 7 torrent crack corel. This argument must be specified with a valid serial port, IP address, Bluetooth address, or Bluetooth name. For the complete list, see the list of supported boards or refer to the following table.

Arduino BoardInput Argument
Arduino Uno'Uno'
Arduino Due'Due'
Arduino Mega 2560'Mega2560'
Arduino Leonardo'Leonardo'
Arduino Mega ADK'MegaADK'
Arduino Micro'Micro'
Arduino MKR1000'MKR1000'
Arduino MKR WiFi1010'MKR1010'
Arduino Nano 3.1'Nano3'
Sparkfun Digital Sandbox'DigitalSandbox'

Example: a = arduino('COM5','Uno') creates a connection to an Arduino Uno board using port 5.

btaddressBluetooth address of the HC-05 or HC-06 device
character vectorstring array

Bluetooth address of the HC-05 or HC-06 device, specified as a character vector or string array of the form btspp:// followed by the 12-digit hexadecimal value of the address. To identify the Bluetooth device address, see Pair a Bluetooth Device and Retrieve the Bluetooth Device Address.

Example: a = arduino('btspp://98d331fb3b77','Uno') creates a Bluetooth connection to an Arduino Uno board.

btnameBluetooth name of the device
character vectorstring array

Bluetooth name of the device, specified as a character vector or string array.

Msr500m mini123 software download. Example: a = arduino('HC-05','Uno') creates a wireless Bluetooth connection to an Arduino Uno board that uses an HC-05 Bluetooth device.

ipaddressIP address of the Arduino MKR1000 or the MKR1010 board
character vectorstring array

IP address of the Arduino MKR1000 or MKR1010 board, specified as a character vector or string array.

Example: a = arduino('','MKR1000') creates a WiFi connection to an Arduino MKR1000 board that uses the IP address

TCP/IP port on the Arduino board, specified as a number.

Example: a = arduino('','MKR1000',9500) creates a WiFi connection to an Arduino MKR1000 board that uses the TCP/IP port at 9500.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Specify optional comma-separated pairs of Name,Value arguments. Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name must appear inside quotes. You can specify several name and value pair arguments in any order as Name1,Value1,..,NameN,ValueN.


If you are connecting an Arduino board using a wireless network, you cannot specify Name,Value arguments.

Example: a = arduino('COM3','Uno','Libraries','I2C')

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'Libraries'Name of Arduino library
{'I2C' 'Servo' 'SPI'} (default) 'Adafruit/MotorShieldV2''ShiftRegister'character vectorcell array of character vectors

Name of the Arduino library, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Libraries' and a character vector or a cell array of character vectors. Libraries installed by default extend the Arduino environment.


When you first connect to your Arduino hardware, your Arduino connection is created with these default libraries {'I2C' 'Servo' 'SPI'}. However, if you create an Arduino connection with libraries other than the defaults, your Arduino connection will have only the libraries that you specified, even after you disconnect and reconnect your Arduino hardware.

Example: a = arduino('COM9','Uno','Libraries','spi') limits the environment to the specified library.

Example: a = arduino('COM9','Uno','Libraries','Adafruit/MotorShieldV2') limits the environment to the Adafruit Motor Shields V2 library and its dependent libraries.

Example: a = arduino('COM9','Uno','Libraries','ShiftRegister') limits the environment to shift register library.

'ForceBuildOn'Reprogramming of the Arduino board
false (default) true

Reprogramming of the Arduino board, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'ForceBuildOn' and either false or true. Set 'ForceBuildOn' to true to reprogram the board. This setting forces MATLAB to reprogram the board with only the specified libraries included in the server. Use this setting to update the Arduino server with different source code when you work with custom Arduino libraries.

Example: a = arduino('COM9','Uno','Libraries','CustomLibrary','ForceBuildOn',true) reprograms the Arduino board using your latest C++ source code for CustomLibrary.


MATLAB does not reprogram the Arduino board and uses the existing Arduino server if the libraries that you specify match with libraries that are already on the existing Arduino server.

'TraceOn'Program log and Arduino commands log
false (default) true

Program log and Arduino commands log, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'TraceOn' and either false or true. If you fail to connect to your Arduino board, set 'TraceOn' to true to print compilation and upload errors of Arduino IDE at the MATLAB command window. You can also set 'TraceOn' to true to print the Arduino commands executed on the Arduino board for each MATLAB command.

Matlab Programming Tutorial

Example: a = arduino('COM9','Uno','TraceOn',true)

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